Climate Change has provided the global community with new areas for growth such as Green Economy which consists of various new emerging industries including Bio-Plastics Industry.
Global policies and lessons learned for Bio-Plastics Industry are mostly driven by the European Union (EU) and its member countries through various legislation and regulations on banning the use of fossil-based plastics since 2010. One of the key impactful policy is on the use on non-food based feedstock to ensure sustainable food security. This policy on the use of Bio-Plastics have created a huge market demand in the EU of approximately USD 390 billion per year primarily in the food packaging and electrical and electronics sectors.
This non-food based policy has naturally provided countries in the tropics with the opportunity to be part of the global industry ecosystem through the use of biomass based feedstock. Over the years, there have been extensive technology development in this area and have produced strategic platform technologies to produce downstream bio-based products to support local and export markets in tropical countries such as Malaysia.
Bio-Plastics Industry is one of the most inclusive industry development program as it involves contract farming by rural communities, technology and product development by anchor companies and contract manufacturing by Small and Medium Industries (SMEs) in more urban areas through Satellite Factories Program. Such a program can be elevated as one of the national flagships by Federal Governments, especially in the developing countries to drive growth towards shared and inclusive prosperity.
Bio-Plastics is an Inclusive Industry Development Program involving Rural Communities and Urban SMEs towards shared prosperity

The disposal and recycling of plastics are key challenges facing the world today against climate change. This awareness has intensified policy interventions by governments to reduce the dependancy on plastics utilisations. For Malaysia, the government has embarked in 2018 on the Roadmap Towards Zero Single Use Plastics (2018-2030).
Towards Zero Single Use Plastics

As more state and city governments now embarking towards Zero Single Use Plastics initiatives, there need to be proper planning on its implementation at the local level involving Pre-Implementation, During Implementation and Post-Implementation. Based on CITYNEXUS involvement over the years, an SOP on this implementation are developed to support state and city governments on this agenda. For further information, kindly Contact Us.
Single Use Plastics Program Implementation
Like any forward looking policies, policy related to minimising the impact on the use of plastics has open-up new and vast replacement market for more environmentally friendly bio-based products. This provide new opportunity for government investments in new Bio-Plastic industry development at the country level. For further information on this new industry ecosystem, kindly Click here.
Bio-Plastics Industry Ecosystem
Mid-Stream Platform Technologies
The success and sustainability of any industry ecosystem lies in the strength and resilience of its Anchor Company which most often owns the platform technologies. The collaboration with such companies will enable the creation of the industry ecosystem. Such bioplastic platform technologies have matured and been commercialised in some countries including Malaysia. For specific query, kindly Contact Us.
Upstream Rural Farming
Due to the huge global market demand for Bio-Plastics products, it also ripples and justifies the need for upstream contract farming activities by the rural community. This may also be carried out through rural Cooperatives. This program is also politically impactful to demonstrate the governments commitment for rural well-being.
Downstream Satellite Factories
The downstream activity is equally important to develop and populate Satellite Factories to meet the required productivity and supply levels for the market. The implementation model may based on Contract Manufacturing approach. As the product off take is by the Anchor company, the contract manufacturers purely focus on the production quality and capacity. This market-centric activity is condusive for government’s entrepreneurship program for SMEs, SMIs and Youth. For specific query, kindly Contact Us.